GFIRST 2013 Canceled!

Citing sequestration and the need for financial tightening, the Department of Homeland Security just canceled GFIRST 2013, a major cyber security conference that I was scheduled to speak at. They may also have had some concerns about the scrutiny to which the IRS is currently being subjected.

Working On a New SOLR Talk

I’m working with Jonathan Quigg on a new talk, “Security Strategies With SOLR and Rails.” We last spoke together at the GFIRST Cyber Security Conference in Atlanta, GA. This topic seems like a good follow-up to my “Rails and the Apache SOLR Search Engine’ talk from RubyNation 2012.

First GFIRST Dry Run

Just finished my first dry run of my GFIRST 2012 talk, “Social Networking: The Next Weapon Against Bad Actors,” with co-presenters Dave Roberts and Jonathan Quigg. Basically solid, but needs the expected amount of polish to be conference-worthy.

GFIRST Cyber Security Talk

I just finished my presentation for the GFIRST 2012 Conference, which will be hosted by the Department of Homeland Security in Atlanta from August 19 – 24. I’m really looking forward to the conference.

GFIRST 2012 Conference

I’m proud to have been selected as a speaker for the 8th Annual GFIRST Conference, which will be held August 19 – 24 in Atlanta, GA. This is a major cyber security conference with over 1500 attendees.