More Than 100K Views

Every once in a while, I toddle on over to SlideShare, where I post most of my presentations, and just check to see how many views my presentations have had.

This time, I was gratified to see that I’ve crossed one of those significant boundaries. My presentations have been viewed more than one hundred thousand times.

My all-time Top Ten presentations are listed below:

  1. Building Facebook Apps
  2. Creating Dynamic Charts with JFreeChart
  3. Creating a World-Class RESTful Web Services API
  4. 21st Century Writer
  5. Social Networking: The Next Weapon Against Bad Actors
  6. Rails and the Apache SOLR Search Engine
  7. Elevator Up, Please!
  8. Creating Killer Business Models
  9. Creating Custom Charts Using Ruby Vector Graphics
  10. Implementing OpenID for Your Social Networking Web Site

I’m interested in diverse subjects, but it was nevertheless interesting to see that the Top Ten included a cross-section of presentations corresponding to my interests, and not just any one particularly popular category. So my Top Ten list included presentations on Ruby/Rails, Java, Cyber Security, Writing and Science.

Doing Rails Security Talk for the NOVARUG

I’ll be speaking at the NovaRUG group on “Rails Security” on Thursday, September 22nd. Networking starts at 6:30 PM, with talks beginning at 7:00 PM. Be there! The other talks will be on reek (the static code analysis tool) and JRuby.

Rails 3.1 Released

In case you haven’t heard the news, Rails 3.1 was released today. Lots of incremental improvements, including built-in SASS support, JQuery as the default JavaScript library, the “asset pipeline,” etc.

KeenerTech Upgrade in Progress

I’ve decided to make the leap. I’m in the process of upgrading the KeenerTech web site from Rails 2.3.5 to Rails 3.0.5. Lots of required changes, but mostly minor stuff except for the ActiveScaffold upgrade.

NOVARUG Rails/Facebook Talk

I’ll be giving my “Leveraging Rails to Build Facebook Apps, Version 2.0” talk at the NovaRUG meeting on September 15th. This version of the talk incorporates the recent changes that Facebook has made to its developer ecosystem. It will also be videotaped by the incomparable Don Anderson, although the talk won’t be available online until after I’ve given the talk at SunnyConf in Phoenix, AZ.

Speaking at SunnyConf

SunnyConfI just received word today that I was accepted as a speaker for SunnyConf, Arizona’s first Ruby conference, which will be held September 25, 2010. I’ll be giving a talk on “Leveraging Rails to Build Facebook Applications.” This is version 2.0 of the talk, incorporating major changes that were announced by Facebook at their F8 conference in April.

David Keener Speaking at “Rails 101 Night”

David Keener will be speaking, along with Gray Herter and Arild Shirazi, at the Rails 101 Night being hosted by the NovaRUG (the Northern Virginia Ruby Users Group). The night is aimed at Ruby newbies, and will be focused loosely on “rails persistence,” i.e. – how data gets stored in the database. Dave’s topic will be “Rails Tips and Tricks” — basically, a compendium of tips that Dave wished he’d had in-hand when he started programming in Rails.

Shenandoah Speaking Engagement

I have been asked by the Shenandoah Ruby Users Group to give my OpenID/Rails presentation to their membership. I’m scheduled for June 24, 2008 at their regular meeting locale, which is the headquarters of Rosetta Stone in Harrisonburg, VA.

QuickStart Rails

I decided to create some brief “Quick Start” presentations with the expectation that there might be opportunities to present them as “fillers” at other events. No sooner did I finish the first one, “Quick Start: What Is Rails?”, than I found myself presenting it internally within AOL twice in two weeks. The PDF of the presentation is now available online. Check out the Presentations web page for other available presentations.